“…there is no quality in my heart at all, call it either faith or charity; but instead of these I set Christ Himself before me, and I say, “There is my righteousness.” — Martin Luther
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Justification and Rome by Robert Preus Audiobook
CPH has given me permission to publish a recording of Justification and Rome by Robert Preus as an audiobook for one year. Please, take advantage of listening to the recording, consider purchasing the book, and share with someone who may benefit from learning the distinction between the Lutheran and Roman Catholic doctrine on justification.
Christ for Us Bible Study Podcast
Christ for Us sermons are now being uploaded in podcast format at christforusorg.podbean.com. Listen on Podbean, Spotify, AmazonMusic, IHeart, Apple Podcast or wherever you listen to podcasts. You can follow and share audio of sermons. Christ for Us Bibles Study Podcast airs a new episode every Thursday. Please, follow, like, and share.
Recent Sermons
Christ for Us was started by Rev. Rolf Preus in order to share the good news of salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone through sermons, papers, and Bible studies. His son, Rev. James Preus has continued this project of sharing orthodox Lutheran theology with the chief focus on Christ for Us.
The Christ for Us Website has been a source of encouragement and study for many years. It is extraordinary to have the writings and Papers of Reverend Doctor Robert D. Preus and Reverend Rolf Preus listed in one place. We look forward to the many years to come as the Preus Brothers contribute to this large body of work.