A One Page Comparison of Lutheran and Roman Catholic Teaching on Justification
Rev. Rolf Preus
Should We Teach Objective Justification?
Pastor Rolf David Preus, October 1-2, 2018 North Dakota District LCMS Pastors’ Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota
Rev. Rolf D. Preus – Steadfast Lutherans Conference at Zion Lutheran Church in Tomball, TX on February 17, 2017
Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Pastor Rolf Preus – CCA Symposium on the Catechism on June 19, 2014
Lutherans Caught Between Rome and Geneva: The Influence of Catholicism and Evangelicalism in Lutheran Moral Theology Today
Congress on the Lutheran Confessions National Free Conference #24 Ramada Mall of America Bloomington, Minnesota April 18, 2013
Objective Justification
Rev. Rolf Preus
Justification as the Center of Christian Theology
Pr. Rolf Preus – Faith Lutheran Church in Plano, TX on January 27-28, 2012
The Relationship between the Justification of the Sinner before God and the Practice of Church Fellowship
Called by the Gospel: Justification and Vocation
Rev. Rolf Preus – Eighth Annual Vocation Symposium, Trinity Lutheran Church in Norman, OK – April 14, 2007