How to be a Confessional Lutheran Pastor in America Today
May 16, 2007 By Pastor Rolf Preus I am honored by your invitation to speak to you today. I am doubly honored by the fact that you have chosen to ask me to talk to you on this holy eve of Syttende Mai, also known as Norwegian Independence Day. It was thirty years ago…
Called by the Gospel: Justification and Vocation
Rev. Rolf Preus – Eighth Annual Vocation Symposium, Trinity Lutheran Church in Norman, OK – April 14, 2007
Church Fellowship and Closed Communion
Rev. Rolf Preus First Confessional Lutheran Parish Mayville – Crookston – Fertile January and February, 2007 “I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy Christian church, the communion of saints . . .” Fellowship = Communion = koinonia = Sharing = Participation What is the basis for deciding whether or not we have fellowship…
The Centrality of the Central Article
Rev. Rolf Preus
What is the Gospel? What Difference Does it Make?
Rev. Rolf Preus – Luther Forum at Trinity Lutheran Church in Brewster, Massachusetts on November 18, 2006
How do Christians Live with God? In Freedom through Faith: Christological Foundation
Rev. Rolf Preus – 19th Annual Minnesota Lutheran Free Conference on October 28, 2006 at Redeemer Lutheran Church in St. Cloud, MN
Vocation of Christian Marriage and Family
Rev. Rolf Preus – Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Catechesis, June 16, 2006 Sponsored by the Concordia Catechetical Acedemy
Basic Catechesis on the Sixth Commandment
Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Catechesis Sponsored by the Concordia Catechetical Academy Pastor Rolf Preus, June 15, 2006
Roman Catholicism or Evangelicalism: Which Poses a Greater Challenge to Confessional Lutheranism Today?
ELS General Pastoral Conference, October 6, 2005, Pastor Rolf Preus