Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict that Changed American Christianity
by James C. Burkee, Fortress Press, 2011. Reviewed by Rev. Rolf D. Preus
by James C. Burkee, Fortress Press, 2011. Reviewed by Rev. Rolf D. Preus
Prepared by Pastor Rolf Preus First Evanger Lutheran Church October 28, 2010 A generation ago there were very few women preachers. Nowadays most Protestant denominations ordain women as pastors. What does the Bible say about this? Women in the Bible who Prophesy Anna was a Prophetess Luke 2:36-39. Women prophesy on Pentecost in fulfillment…
Seventeenth Annual Symposium on Catechesis Concordia Catechetical Academy June 17, 2010 By Pr. Rolf Preus I have always believed that Darwinism was antichristian propaganda. My opinion was confirmed a few years ago. I was teaching a class at St. Sophia Lutheran Theological Seminary in Ternopil’, Ukraine. The name of the class was, “Issues in…
Congress on the Lutheran Confessions Bloomington, Minnesota April 21, 2010 By Pastor Rolf David Preus The topic of justification is the central truth of the Christian religion. Genuine sanctification follows justification. Justification is hidden. We cannot see the forgiveness of sins or the Holy Spirit or faith. We cannot see God reckoning Christ’s righteousness…
By Pastor Rolf David Preus January 28, 2009
Pastor Rolf Preus November 4 & 5, 2008 The Lutheran Church has been in America for over 350 years. The largest concentrations of Lutherans are in Pennsylvania and the Midwest. We will consider four groups of Lutherans: The ELCA (A); The LCMS (B); the W/ELS (C); the AFLC and Lutheran Brethren (D). This is…
Pastor Rolf David Preus – 2008 Summer Confessional Lutheran Free Conference, June 25, 2008
Pastor Rolf Preus St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Escondido, California October 20, 2007 A confessional church is a confessing church. To be a confessional church is to regard the confessional writings of the church as authoritative over the church’s doctrine because these writings are drawn from the Holy Scriptures. To be a confessing church is…
Pastor Rolf Preus June 6, 2007